
Pedrín y la garza

11 / 2005
Literatura infantil: de 0 a 12 años


Pedrín is a very poor child who has lost his mother. He lives near the coast with his father, who only has one eye and is never sure where the family?s next meal will come from. Only when Pedrín gazes at the sea is he able to forget all the misery that surrounds him. One day he finds a wounded heron on the beach. He takes the bird home and cares for it until its wounds are healed. Pedrín soon comes to consider the heron his best friend and only plaything. The heron grows in the boy?s confined world, until one day it dares to fly high enough to discover the meaning of freedom.
The technique employed to illustrate this touching story is a process of digital alchemy that combines traditional artistic procedures with collage, blending, transparencies, image filtering, and other digital resources to achieve highly experimental results.